Questions & Answers

Evo CHRT4 and RF642W

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I have installed Evo CHRT4 in my Grand Caravan 2018 with OEM key and it's working great. The CHRT4 was flashed for RF. I am now trying to install RF642W using RFA2A following steps on installation guide.

As per the last step on installation guide, I did press & release (-) AND press & release (lock) on RF642w fob, but on CHRT4 it did NOT blink RED and BLUE LED, instead the RED, BLUE, YELLOW LEDs stayed solid on. The fob would sound and show green light [after I press & release (-) and press & release (lock)].

The antenna LED fast blinks (BLUE). I checked wires and everything was good. Can someone help me resolve this? Thank you in advance.
posté Juin 15, 2019 dans la catégorie Dodge par BHAVIK PATEL (180 points)
modifié Juin 16, 2019 par BHAVIK PATEL

1 Réponse

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What is the service number to the module?
répondu Juin 17, 2019 par derek g (358,130 points)
élue Juin 20, 2019 par derek g
Service # 001A06 873327
You have the wrong protocol enabled. Under Rf kits enable option H2 not H1.
Thank you Derek. Let me contact dealer as he flashed CHRT4 before shipping it to me. I appreciate your help.