Questions & Answers

need help with remote start

+1 vote


I have a 2009 nissan altima coupe automatic transmission! the car has a button to start the engine, I put fortin evo all system! but when the key is in the car I can start the engine by remote control, but when the key is not present in the car, the car will not start! I put Guide # 3694 for the 2009 nissan altima!
if someone can help me thanks!

asked Feb 18, 2014 in Nissan by Vasyl Polovyy (260 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Thats normally caused by the Tx wire being on the wrong side of the cut. This is the Light Blue/Black wire of the EVO.

Also, it will happen if the EVO did not program correctly.
answered Feb 19, 2014 by Robert T (299,650 points)
selected Feb 24, 2014 by Robert T
thank you for help i changed it the way you say it, and it works! thanks for help i appriciate it!
Glad it all worked out
what does Tx stand for
Tx - Transmit

Rx - Receive