Questions & Answers

toyota camry 2014 G-key

0 votes
Hi! I have just set up the evo all in Camry 2014 se G key. I checked all connection is good. When I turn the ignition on, the yellow led is solid. I also turn on the oem remote option when I program the evo one, but when I press lock unlock lock on my key fob. It does not remote start my car. Is it something I do wrong for the wiring?
asked Sep 13, 2016 in Toyota by Hiu Leung (260 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
As answered here :

Your vehicle is not compatible with 3x lock start so you will need a compatible rf kit to remote start.

It is normal that the yellow led turns on with ignition on.
answered Sep 13, 2016 by Hiu Leung (85,210 points)
selected Sep 13, 2016 by Hiu Leung