Questions & Answers

2007 mazda 3 evo all

+2 votes
Hoping someone can help me, I'm looking for the older guide for the evo-all that showed the connection for the mazda 3 (2007) using CAN functions as well as what version of the firmware works, i'm aware that this is no longer listed as there was problems with stability on these vehicles and understand everything that comes with that
asked Oct 2, 2015 in Mazda by Adam Pepin (10,150 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Hi Adam, just follow connection 3 for the Can connections. The latest Ford Firmware should work just fine in this car.

 Little tip, The guide says to use pin 6 and 14 for the Can-Bus. These will program but may not give you any can features. If this is the case, reprogram the unit but use pin 3 and 11 at the OBD2 instead.

 Remember that you can easily test and program can-bus by just releasing on the Blue LED, plugging in all connectors, then turning ignition On. Blue LED whould flash at this point.

Hope this helps
answered Oct 5, 2015 by Robert T (299,950 points)
selected Oct 24, 2015 by Adam Pepin
Thanks Robert, i remember about pins 3 and 11 (made that mistake before), do you happen to recall what features were covered aside from transponder? i recall tach, door status and parking brake.
all the statuses necessary for alarm or if the vehicle is manual transmission should work; so door, tach, hood (if equipped), handbrake.