Questions & Answers

wiring diagram unlock code

0 votes
i am trying to unlock wiring driagrams and pic but i need a 16 dig code.  i did not recive a card with the codein my box.  is there another way to get the code
posté Jan 1, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par MPC RJDOSKY (130 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
If you purchased the module new it should have a card in the box.
If there is no card then you can most likely buy a one-time access
for the vehicle you are working on.
répondu Jan 4, 2021 par Dave Scott (390 points)
0 votes
if you want the installation diagram you can get it anytime on


if you did not get a wire color card in the box i would suggest contacting your point of purhcase to advise them of this.


you can also reach out to
répondu Jan 4, 2021 par derek g (347,180 points)