Questions & Answers

2011 tacoma G-KEY cranks only no start 4x parking light flash

0 votes
After installation and programming evo one went to remote start with RF642W, truck only cranks but does not start, evo one automatically did a 2nd attempt but still no luck...Counting the 4x parking lights its inidicating that its either not sensing tach signal (i figure connections are good since managing to go through all programing steps, second guess is its in valet mode, i turned off valet mode by turning ignition on and 3x pressed valet switch but still no luck.

any figures ?
fermer avec la note: answered by email.
posté Jan 30, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Gring Yang (160 points)
fermé Fev 1, 2021 par derek g

1 Réponse

0 votes
I replied to your email that you sent into support.
répondu Fev 1, 2021 par derek g (347,180 points)