Questions & Answers

flashlink wont connect to evo all s# 001A06 682920

+1 vote
I think I reached the flash limit as the lights come on the evo all with the flash link but it will not detect oit. In bypass its a solid red light and in remote start its all the flashing at once. Any way to fix this? I tried the reaet procedure, but didnt work. Its for a 2013 silverado.
posté Fev 11 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Dpxmed (210 points)

1 Réponse

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Even if a flash limit was hit, you would still be able to connect at the pc. I have reset the unit regardless.

Perhaps try unpluggin everything and restarting the computer.

Best regards.
répondu Fev 12 par derek g (358,030 points)
élue Fev 12 par Dpxmed
Thank you, I will give it a try.
Did ALL that, even reinstalled the manager program. It will recognize the flashlink2, i can upgrade the firmware, but the evoall/gmt4 unit is never recognized. I have a solid red light on the flash updater and a solid redlight on the evoall in bypass mode, switch to remote start and the evo all has all the leds blinking a few times and it doesnt connect. when I shut down the program and restart it, the program recogognizes the updater plugged in but there is no firmware selected.

Update the firmware again and it accepts, and then every thing is the same as above. it seems like everything is communicating with the evoall flashing, but can never get unit connected throught the software.
Is the unit locked somehow?
No, the unit is not locked.

Perhaps try flipping the data link cable between the evo and the flasher, Sounds like the pc reads the flasher but not the evo, might be realted to the data link cable.
Flipping the cable gives me a "click" but no lights on the Module and still no recognition in the software in bypass or remote start mode.

Flipping back, the EVO module gives me a red solid light in bypass, but says not connected, and in remmote start i get r,y,b lights flassing together for about 8 times (with a click when swithing to remote), then they shut off and still the software says "module not connected".

Plus everytime I exit the program and restart it, the flash updater has no firmware and I have to update it every single time.
The flash updater stays a constant red led also
From a few videos ive seen, it looks like the green LED on the updater should be on when connected. when I flash the new firmware (every time I open the program), and it updates, the green LED does flash with a solid red (on the updater), then ehn you disconnect and then reconnect, there is no green LED on teh updater when connected to the EVO module (still get the red or flasshing lights depending on the mode selected)

Is the flash updater bad?

Next step would be to call in when you are at the pc with the evo and flasher.

Use this link and an agent will be able to log in remotely to your pc so we can see exactly what is happenieng to try and resolve the issue for you.


mon - fri

8 am 6 pm est


UPDATE...It was a bad flashlink updater. got a new one and everything programmed as it should and everything works.