Questions & Answers

I want to install remote start with a long range 2 way remote in my 2014 Jeep wrangler unlimited with keyless enrty

+1 vote
do you have any suggestions on what units I should buy?
posté Avr 29, 2014 dans la catégorie Jeep par Rob C

1 Réponse

0 votes

Hi Rob,


The EVO-ALL with the THAR-CHR5 (also named EVO-CHRT5) is perfect combination for the vehicle considering it's literally plug-n-play (besides for the in vehicle programming). Take a look at connection A from the installation guide: EVO-ALL & THAR-CHR5 (T-Harness) - Revision 20130219


The EVO-ALL in this case would only act as a transponder bypass and offers Can integration for whichever remote starter you would add to it. 


As for the actual remote starter, that really depends on you. There are too many models with different types of remotes and at that point it's a matter of which one attracts your eyes.


Models I would look into though are:

  • Crimestopper
  • DEI
  • Audiovox
  • Compustar
  • Autopage

If you plan on installing this yourself, I recommend that you also look into purchasing a Fash-Link Updater.


répondu Avr 30, 2014 par Robert T (304,010 points)