Questions & Answers

2013 Ford Fusion remote start inop

0 votes
I have a 2013 Ford Fusion with key ,installed with an Evo All unit with a T- harness 3 . The problem I have is that after the lock button is pressed 3 x you can hear unit chicking red yellow and blue lights come on like it trying to start vehicle. Then Im getting an red error code of 3 flashes , according to some research I believe that's a tach signal error. correct me if im wrong. All help and advice will be appreciated. Thanks
asked Feb 6, 2023 in Ford by Clay Howard (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Fortin does not list the evo-fort3 as a compatible solution for this vehicle. That is why it is not working.


Best regards.
answered Feb 7, 2023 by derek g (346,560 points)

hi i try whit standart wires, after the lock button is pressed 3 x you can hear unit chicking red yellow and blue lights come on like it trying to start vehicle, how install true?
