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R35 GT-R 2015 push to start only lights turn and no engine start ! I have EVO -NIST1 !

0 votes


We have problems installing EVO-NIST1 on a Nissan GTR 2015 and we have followed what fortin said on the instructions and it dont work and also the the instructions fortin has for finding out whats wrong but i dont work as it should !

Between this 2 instructions there is different diagrams with the 2 instructions and that do not make it easier and when plugging in the box should the button be push down or not ?

When programing folloving the lights and the instructions the lights jumps over steps !?

What flash should be used standalone or the other one !?

when pushing the button 3 times only lights but no engine start it never even try to start !?

When disconecting the box every thing works normal.

EVO-ALL number SN: 001A07 535353

Can any one help us in any way to sort this out !

asked Jan 18, 2024 in Nissan by Hasse Blom (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

What guide did you follow, first page, upper right hand corner will have the guide number, please provide it.

Also along with plugging in th et-harness, what else did you connect?

Did the module program as inidcated in the installation guide? If it missed steps, which ones was it?


Also your module is set up wrong, Options A1 through A11 should be on.


Best regards.
answered Jan 19, 2024 by derek g (357,930 points)

Guide 12661 and 84611

plugg in from the from guide 84611 page 5 A5 A4 A15 PARKING LIGHTS A19 AND ALSO SPLIT IN THE PUPLE / YEALLOW CABLE !





If you continue to step 6 does the blue led flash?


Make sure you are inserting the key into the keyport before begging programming.

After step 6 solid blue yeallow and red and after one more pusch it starts programming flashing as step 8 !

yes key is in the right place just as it say before step 1 !

Thanks for a fast reply !
So what exactly is the issue? It soundslike you are able to prgoram it? Is that correct?
Pushing button 3 times dont start the car and looking thru the window when pushing no reactions from the box but we get reaction with blue light when push unlock !
If you ground the yellow/black wire on the 20 pin connector of the evo, what happens?

we have now connector the yellow and black wire to a screw under the steering wheel and then following the Guide 84611 but with out the split in puple/yeallow cable to LT.blur/black.

when i now close all door and press lock x3 it start the engine BUT i cant unlock the car with out go in the emergency way with the manual key. when i open the dorr with the manual key the engine turned off

The yellow/black should not be connected with a screw perminently.


The yellow/black is a negative activation wire, meaning when it is pulsed, it should acitvate the evo all if option D1 is enabled.

At this point I would suggest calling into technical support when you have the evo and vehicle on hand to troubleshoot your issue over the phone with an agent.



mon - fri

8 - 6 est

Best regards.

okay thanks so are you say that i should connector the yellow and black wire with split in to the A20?

we have big time difference from you so it would be nice if we can write here thanks.

or if i connector the yellow and black wire to the A19 (push to start) do it get the signal when it need then?

No, do not connect the yellow/black wire. Disconnect it please.


If the evo does not detect the oem remote and options C1 and D1 are on, then I would suggest adding an rf kit to the system.


Best regards.

okay i did never connect the yellow/black wire to anything after the grund test. 

but when i had the yellow/black wire and click on the oem remote the EVO box get the signal. i look through the window and saw that it flashed blue when I pressed the lock button

I would really like to avoid having a RF kit

-Reset the unit:

-Once reset re enable options C1, D1, D1.10 and D6.

-From there re program the module to the vehicle.


You can confirm stand alone functionality of the evo through pulsing the yellow/black wire as previously mentioned.

If the blue led does not blink when lock is pressed on the oem remote after it has been succesfully programmed then at that point you could try lowering the firmware to 72.48, if it still does not detect the oem remote then you would need to use an rf kit to control the system.


Best regards.

shall I have D2 on also?

after i -Once reset re enable options C1, D1, D1.10 and D6.

all the steps 1 to 9 in the Guide 84611 be successful

but the blue led dont flash when i press lock, it flash when i press unlock.

-You can confirm stand alone functionality of the evo through pulsing the yellow/black wire as previously mentioned.

if i just grund the wire and have the key in the car the car light turn on but the engine dont start

I changed to 72.48 but it did not be any change from the 72.54

what is Guide 84611 the split in puple/yeallow cable to LT.blur/black for? do i need this split in?

i dont have the aftermarket hood pin connected A8

- D2 is not needed.

- If the vehicle does no start verify brake light operation, We start this vehicle the same way a person would, the evo presses the brake pedal, then presses the pts button and sends key codes.

- yes purple/yellow is supposed to be connected to
okay good!

it still doesn't light up when i press the lock button on the ome remote only when i press the unlock button
As previously stated. If c1 is on and the blue led does not blink when pressing lock on the oem remote after the unit has been succesfully programmed to the vehicle, the only other alternative at this point would be an RF kit.
Ok can i use my OEM key if i get one ?

with RF kit should i get ?