Questions & Answers

2015 Silverado work truck with no fobs. Can i add a remote start with fortin remotes?

0 votes
Ive installed 2 fortin systems before.
asked May 5 in Chevrolet by Michael Parker (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Yes, it is possible,  you will however need to purchase an RF kit (antenna and remotes) Please contact a local shop/installer to purchase everything you will need, RF kits are not available for purchase to end consumers
answered May 6 by R M (450 points)
0 votes
Yes you will be able to add a remote start. I have a 2008 WT and have added a remote start system. I use a Mycar Controls module to remote start from my phone. It uses LTE cell service. Fortin has it's own LTE module that I would recommend over my setup to keep the same brand. With an Evo-ONE I believe you can use both the LTE module and RF Kit with key fob simultaniously. This I don't think is possible with the Evo-ALL that I currently have so I am upgrading. Also be sure to purchase a T Harness for your vehicle to make installation go much simpler. Study the wiring diagram that is included to keep everything clean on your install.
answered Jul 17 by Richard Regalado Jr (180 points)