Questions & Answers

Is it necessary to connect the 3 wires at the BCM if I dont plan on using an RF Kit on a 2013 Infiniti G37?

+1 vote
Is it necessary to connect the 3 wires at the BCM (green 40 pin connector) if I dont plan on using, or have an RF Kit, on a 2013 Infiniti G37?

Just wondering if these connections are for added features or they are necessary for the basic stand alone install.
asked Sep 18 in Infiniti by Jonatan Quintana (230 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Lock & unlock are only for using an rf kit, The ddp connection is for auto light shutdown after the rs times out. They are not mandatory.

Best regards.
answered Sep 18 by derek g (346,560 points)
+1 vote
If your vehicle has ingition controlled door locks enabled, which it probably does, I would highly recommend connecting them. Otherwise, your doors will unlock on remote start shut down and stay unlocked.


Door pin is to shut down the vehicles auto lights.
answered Sep 18 by Robert T (301,890 points)