Questions & Answers

2006 Lexus RX400h hybryd. Evo one. Dash comes on for 10-12 seconds than shuts down. Parking lights 4 flash

0 votes
2006 Lexus RX400h hybryd. Evo one with rf642.  Dash comes on for 10-12 seconds after remote starting than shuts down. Parking lights 4 flash. I tripple checked ignition harness wiring, correct by the guide. I flased an other module but does the same thing.

SN:002b04 106970

Any idea?
asked 1 week ago in Lexus by zsolt deak (280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Turn on option D4-Hybrid mode.

Best regards.
answered 1 week ago by derek g (337,560 points)