Questions & Answers

2019 Honda HRV, What settings do I have to enable for EVO ONE RM942 for the antenna to power up and learn Fobs?

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I Installed the EVO ONE RM942 with Hon8 T-Harness. Three lock on factory fob works remote start function but when I do learn procedure in RFK 942 manual antenna doesn't light up. Tried with turning the key on and off and brake pedal as well as with the valet switch but neither excites the antenna power. Guessing I just didn't toggle the right setting when programming the EVO ONE but couldn't find anything else in the instructions.
asked Oct 28 in Honda by Craig Beaudoin (130 points)

1 Answer

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There are no settings needed for the evo one to accept the 942 remotes.

Ensure the antenna is plugged into the small blue port on the evo-one.

Before beginning the rf programming procedure be sure to press unlock on the OEM remote.

If the system is armed, it will not allow remotes to be paired to it, pressing unlokc will solve this.

Ign on-off-on, blue led on antenna should light up, 4x brake pedal blue led should blink with each brake press.

Best regards.
answered Oct 28 by derek g (346,560 points)