Questions & Answers

Nissan Frontier factory fob 3x lock to start?

0 votes
Is there a special process for enabling lock x3 to start for a Nissan frontier? It's offered by competing remote start vendors (probably using Fortin system). I found a guide for enabling via Link software 3x lock to start but the NIS5 guide does not mention it. If enabled via link app in the module, is that all that needs to be done alongside the wiring instructions? The module should have the inputs internally to work it out from what I can see in the diagram. It would be down to the module logic which I don't know the details of.
asked Nov 20 in Nissan by Nikola Malicevic (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If it is a standard key Nissan frontier, 3x lock start from the OEM remote is not supported. RF kit is required.

Best regards.
answered Nov 20 by derek g (346,560 points)
Ok thanks for confirming.