Questions & Answers

2014 Ford Explorer wont lock with key fob

0 votes
just hooked up the EVo-All with T harness, everything works great.. programed it. however when i try to lock the car with key fob ( like after im done driving) it wont lock. it keeps automaticly unlocking? any suggestions?


update, if i hit the lock button on key fob and wait about 15-20 secs. doors lock.. why is that? does it have to be flash diffently?
asked Dec 30, 2014 in Ford by Joseph Madura (190 points)
edited Dec 30, 2014 by Joseph Madura

1 Answer

0 votes
service number please.

Besides for the EVO-ALL and the Tharness, is their anything else installed?
answered Dec 30, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)
No nothing else. I do have the flashlink and I did update the Evo-all to the latest recommended version. Not sure if it's normal operations or not
remove anything you have connected to lock and unlock. You don't need those connections for a 3x lock start. I'd start there. Basically, remove anything connected to A2, A3, A4, A5.