Questions & Answers

2014 toyota avalon pts hybrid wont start

0 votes
I installed an evo one on a toyota avalon 2014 pts hybrid and its when i do 3x lock the red light comes on then the amber light and then just the ignition stays on but doesnt start (all the lights on the dash come on as if i pushed the pts button twice without stepping on the brake).

there is a new light on the dash that that started blinking pcs and it says on the screen check pcs system.

any ideas?
asked Jul 10, 2015 in Toyota by Mike M (9,800 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
update the remote starter is causing the pcs light to come on because the light doesnt show up when i start the vehicle with the push to start.

i also double checked all the wires are connected properly to the correct wires.


any ideas?
answered Jul 13, 2015 by Mike M (9,800 points)
No crank is normally caused by the connections for the steering lock controlled by the internal relays on the EVO (which the outputs are from the RED connector).  Your car is a Hybrid though and normally there won't be a physical crank; the READY indicator is the only thing indicating if the car is started or not.

There can be other reasons, but will need the service number of the EVO-ALL.