Questions & Answers

2015 push to start sentra restarts on its own after shutting off

0 votes
2015 nissan sentra evo-nist1 t-harness standalone push to start

remote start works perfect until you want to shut the vehicle off!

once you hit the (pts) to turn off the vehicle it will restart after 10 to 15 seconds what am i missing?
asked Nov 2, 2015 in Nissan by ryan melanson (200 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
You need to press the brake to shut off the car. Pushing the push to start button shuts of the car yes, but it does not shut down the remote starter.
answered Nov 2, 2015 by Robert T (304,010 points)
0 votes
Start by getting the service number of the module you're using?
answered Nov 2, 2015 by derek g (357,930 points)
0 votes
called today and was told to back date the software version and if that didnt work to program it using hybrid mode!!! going to try it and see what happends
answered Nov 3, 2015 by ryan melanson (200 points)
Robert is right, to shut down the vehicle you only have to push on the brake, NOT THE PTS. All other versions will do exactly the same.

Any idea who you spoke with ?
hybrid mode and firmware have nothing to do with the initial problem. To shut off the car while it's remote started, you need to press on the brake.