Questions & Answers

2011 Lexus IS250 Auto Evo-One

0 votes
Install an evo one as recommended diagram

Car crank but doesn't start and flash 4 time indicating No tach ?
asked Jan 7, 2016 in Lexus by Thuy Du Dao (650 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Verify your IMI and IMO connections, make sure the light blue wire is on the good side of the cutted wire.
answered Jan 7, 2016 by Thuy Du Dao (85,210 points)
It is on the correct side the pink side to the connector

and the white green to other side NC1
Disconnect the RED connector of the EVOALL and try to remote start. Does it start ?
I think I found the problem i cant copy the key bypass It still crank but doesnt start
You nean you can't program the unit ? You really have to start the engine to program, not only ignition on.
Red led Press and hold 1 x start button Engine start red led stay solid