Questions & Answers

2016 Ford Focus ST/RS Push to Start

0 votes
2016 Ford Focus ST Push-to-start support is "coming soon" for a few months.  Any word on when that may be available and whether it is expected to also work for the 2016 Focus RS?

I have installed several Fortin bypass and remote start systems on other cars and would be willing to help by testing out install and firmware on my 2016 Focus RS.  I also have the Flash Link Updater 2.
asked Dec 15, 2016 in Ford by Nick Schaf (420 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Nothing yet.

side note: Ive seen people wire up a remote starter to push the brake and the pts but the client needs to sacrifice a key.
answered Dec 29, 2016 by Robert T (299,650 points)
still no update ?