Questions & Answers

2016 Ram 1500 Standalone Install w/ T Harness

0 votes
Prepping everything to install on my 2016 Ram 1500 Tip Key. Using the standalone with T Harness directions.

The directions show a Light Blue and a Light Blue/Black wire coming from the T Harness and going to the 20-pin connector. These wires are not connected. Do I need to connect these wires?
asked Jan 7, 2017 in Ram by THeadUSMC (460 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Corrrect, you need to connect those blue wires together as seen in the isntallation guide.
answered Jan 7, 2017 by Robert T (299,650 points)
selected Jan 7, 2017 by THeadUSMC
What type of connectors should be used?