Questions & Answers

Takeover with THAR-MAZ1 (EVO ONE or EVO ALL)

0 votes

When comparing EVO MAZT1 with EVO ALL it shows that Takeover is not available with MAZT1.

Is it the T-harness that conflects with the feature? and will that apply when using EVO ONE with THAR-MAZ1 in 2017 Mazda CX9 Push to start with 3x OEM remote start?

If it does, is there any solution for the mentioned vehicle where OEM remote start, takeover and plug & play is a must for me.

asked Sep 11, 2017 in Mazda by MAJID ALQARRAS (280 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
When using EVOALL in a standalone configuration, takeover is not available.

If you wish to have 3xlock and takeover you will need :



FlashLink Updater
answered Sep 11, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)

I'm really confused by the term standalone can you explain it for me please.

What is the difference between THAR-ONE-MAZ3 and THAR-ONE-MAZ2?

and is there any wire cutting involved when using either of them? for the same case above (2017 Mazda CX9 push start with OEM 3X remote start).

"Standalone" means using the evo-all which is just an immobilizer bypass module as a remote starter with no need for a 3rd party separate remote starter unit.


If you want takeover(vehicle does not shut off upon opening a door) you will need am EVO-ONE with a MAZ-T3 harness, (Flashlink updater-2 also required and sold separately)


thank you,