Questions & Answers

Cannot get the horn chirp confirmation to work.

0 votes
I've enabled the horn confirmation with the flash like updater but the horn does not chirp with lock/unlock or remote start. Am I missing something?
asked Mar 16, 2018 in Ford by James Mills2 (130 points)

1 Answer

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Did you connect the horn wire from the EVO to the vehicle ?
answered Mar 16, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
I don't think so, there was no wire required to do so. Which wire do I connect?
What module are you using ?

Evo all Service No: 001a06726948 using version 71.46 with Crimestoper remote start. The module is supposed to have the function automatically. 

your crime stopper is the one that will get wired into the vehicles horn circuit to give you the horn chirp feature. You would need to refer to the crimestopper installation guide as to what wire you would use and what feature you would enable in the RS.


Also if this evo-all is being installed with a crime stopper remote start you need to turn off option D1 in the evo.


You are running firmware 71.26 not 71.28


This can all be seen here:

I'm running 71.46 sorry for the mistake. Service # 001a06 726948

I disabled D1. That made no difference. There is no wire required to connect to the

horn on my Crime stopper. Here is the link to the tip sheet they gave me.

All the required wires are connected 
