Questions & Answers

Enabling valet mode using the push button 3X with ignition on, no visual indication.

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I was wondering why, when I turn the key to ignition and press the push button 3X for valet mode, there is no visual indication (like parking lights) to verify valet is enabled.  When I use the RF642W remote, the parking lights flash once to provide a visual indication.  Why not do this with the push button as well ?
asked Jun 11, 2018 in Toyota by John Penske (160 points)

1 Answer

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Because you are already in the car with ignition on. Your indicator is the antenna LED turning on solid blue.

Lights are flashed with the remote so you can see from a distance that the valet procedure worked. 

answered Jun 11, 2018 by Robert T (304,010 points)
Thanks for the prompt reply.  So if a user does not have a Fortin remote (which I did not have when I first installed the Evo One), is there supposed to be a visual indication with turning ignition on and pressing 3X on the valet button ?

Also, the RF642 guide states that valet can be enabled/disabled by turning ignition on, and pressing the antenna button 3X, but that is not working.  Please note that, because of personal preference, I have the LED disabled.  So after I press the antenna button 3X to enable valet, I test to see if the alarm activates after I do that, and the alarm goes off.  Is the LED required to be enabled for valet to be turned on/off ?  I hope I'm communicating this correctly.
Are you using a phone app along with the fortin rf kit.
Yes, I'm using the Car Link and it's all hooked up with the diode per the Fortin install guide.  All functions (lock/unlock,remote start, trunk) are working fine with both the 642 and the CarLink (well, actually, the Evo One doesn't support the trunk with the Car Link).  Just wondering why the valet isn't working via the Fortin antenna.  The antenna is placed on the windshield with the LED facing down.
So if you can put the system in valet via the rf kit and the valet button, why are you still trying to put it into valet with the button on the antenna? You really need 3 way to put it into valet? The button on the antenna will only work once you code a remote. AND the led needs to be not disabled in the options.
The button on the antenna only works when remotes are programmed. Remember to press the button at a pace such as 1 mississippi , 2 mississippi , 3 mississippi.

If you turned OFF the antenna LED , it will do just that, stay OFF.

Also check to be sure you haven't changed option 30 in the remote starter to something other then the default option.  

we can check all your options and setup if you supply the service number
I like to test the available options.  Yes, I know... it's just as easy to do it with the remote or the valet switch.  But thanks, you answered my question with stating that the LED MUST be enabled on the antenna for valet to work with that option.  Who knows... someone else might have the same question at some point, and they could possibly find this discussion.
Both of my 642 remotes are programmed and correctly functional, and option 30 is correct at mode 1.  Also, I press the antenna remote in the same pattern/timing as I have been pressing the valet button.  I'll enable the LED and see if that makes a difference in enabling/disabling valet.  If it still doesn't work, I'll provide my service number (which I cannot get right now).  Thanks for your all's help.
update your evo-one remote starter firmware to 1.24.

if you're at 1.19, that firmware does not support the new button on the antenna.
Service Number 002B07 110988 for firmware verification purposes.

Here's what I've done:

1.  Using RF642 with LED enabled.  The remote is programmed and working properly.  PLEAST NOTE that your system might show the LED is DISABLED.  I've enabled and disabled the LED using the remote so I can test the system without having to remove the unit and reconnect various times.
2.  Option 30 is default mode 1.  When I do ignition on (vehicle not running), press 3X on the valet button (not the antenna), the LED comes on and stays on.  When I disable valet by pressing 3X on valet button, the LED goes off.
3.  For the antenna, when ignition is on, I press the antenna button slowly in the 1 mississippi , 2 mississippi , 3 mississippi pattern, but the LED does not come on, and valet is NOT enabled.

Yes, I understand it's just as easy to do the other methods.  I was just curious why an advertised function does not work in my case.

ALSO, can you tell me the difference between the 642W and the 442W, if any ?

Thanks again for all your help.  I'm a technical person, so I like learning about systems in my vehicle (OEM or otherwise).

1.  Using RF642 with LED enabled.  The remote is programmed and working properly.  PLEAST NOTE that your system might show the LED is DISABLED.  I've enabled and disabled the LED using the remote so I can test the system without having to remove the unit and reconnect various times.

So you can do the in vehicle programming with the remote using the button on the antenna or is that with the normal valet button?

ALSO, can you tell me the difference between the 642W and the 442W, if any ?

642w vs 442w = different casing. 


Yes, I understand it's just as easy to do the other methods.  I was just curious why an advertised function does not work in my case.

That button offers valet mode. There is something in your setup preventing it from working as intended. This can happen when mixing and matching different brands/products. (ie, the carlink)

The ONLY way to isolate the issue at the moment would be to do a master reset of the remote starter. This will clear all current programmed remotes, antennas AND set all remote starter options back to default. (this will NOT affect anything the is bypass related)

  1.  Once you have done that, disconnect / reconnect power and you should notice your remotes do not work anymore. If remotes are still functioning, redo reset.
  2. Next, program ONLY the fortin remotes.
  3. DO NOT program / setup the options for your carlink (ie, DO NOT turn on the Fortin2 option)
  4. Test your antenna button. 

So you can do the in vehicle programming with the remote using the button on the antenna or is that with the normal valet button?

I follow the procedure in the guide... ignition on, valet button pressed about 5 seconds, press valet button X times for the function, press brake, then press the appropriate remote buttons for the desired mode, and it works... the LED is enabled (mode 1) or disabled (mode 3).

This can happen when mixing and matching different brands/products. (ie, the carlink)

It could be due to the diode on the white data line (not sure if the white is Tx or Rx), but IF the antenna button input going into the Evo One is being blocked by the diode, then obviously the valet using the antenna won't work, but then again, it is working using the remote FUNCTION -> LOCK+UNLOCK.  This is assuming we are looking at the basic function of a diode (signals or current only flow one way, and are blocked the other way).

I may try the procedure you listed.  Again, this is a good learning experience.

I was asking about which button was being used for feature programming since either valet button or button on antenna can be used. If button on antenna does not work for feature programming, the antenna did not program correctly during remote programming (which would happen if the remotes were programmed at firmware 1.19 and less even though firmware was then changed to 1.24), or the button is no good. 


Do that reset and reprogram the remotes. 

Everything is working as intended on my bench (with diode)



I see what you're saying.  I have NOT tried feature programming with the button on the antenna, I have only used the valet button and then the buttons on the remote.  I wasn't aware that the actual antenna was also programmed.  I'll check first to see if I can enter programming mode with the antenna button (which I suspect won't work due to the possible firmware scenario you described), and I'll let you know.
During remote programming, the remotes pairs with the antenna.

The antenna itself is what pairs with the EVO-ONE.
The antenna is not working for feature programming.  The service number is
002B07 110988.  Does your system show the remote starter firmware ?  It would be handy if I knew without removing the unit to hook up to a PC.  If the firmware is correct, I would do the reset, reprogram the remotes, and then reset my preferred features using the remote.
module is currently at latest firmware
Here is what I did yesterday and the results, in order of how it happened, and knowing the latest firmware is set.  Keep in mind I use the Fortin remote with the Car Link.

1.  Remote starter master reset.  The remotes would not work any more.
2.  Re-established my feature preferences via the flash module, and left the LED enabled.  I did NOT check the Fortin 2 option under the configurations.
3.  Connected the RF642 antenna directly into the antenna port, then programmed the remote using the valet switch, and verified proper operation.
4.  Tested valet mode enable and disable via the antenna switch, and it WORKED.
5.  Removed the antenna connector, then reconnected using the Car Link harness with the diode, but did NOT connect the Car Link brain.  The valet enable and disable again WORKED.
6.  Removed the Evo One to select the Fortin 2 option in the configuration, then reconnected and powered up the Car Link, then programmed the Car Link using the antenna switch, and it WORKED.
7.  NOW... once the Car Link was programmed, the antenna switch NO LONGER works for valet mode or feature programming.  The LED remains enabled.

My conclusion:  The active Car Link is interfering with the valet and feature programming functions of the antenna button.

NOTE:  I was previously advised that the Car Link should be programmed FIRST, then the 642, but even with that, the antenna switch does not work.
So I guess there is no solution for this ?
Since it seems you absolutly need to enable valet mode via the button, simple solution, remove your car link.


If this is not ok, well you have 2 other fully functional ways of doing the same exact thing.