Questions & Answers

2012 q5 PTS with viper remote starter

0 votes
I have a 2012 audi q5 with a pre installed viper remote starter. It functions correctly but I would like to ditch the viper fob and use the OEM for 3x lock start. Is there a fortin module that will recognize 3x lock and send a negative trigger signal to start via the viper unit?
asked Oct 7, 2018 in Audi by Ryan Biccum (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes we support 3x lock from the factory fob.


Evo-Audt1 and a flash link updater would do the trick.


here is the guide for 3x lock and the above mentioned product:
answered Oct 9, 2018 by derek g (346,560 points)