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2012 Subaru Forester Manual Trans. Evo-One OEM key fob

0 votes

2012 Subaru Forester Manual Trans. Evo-One OEM key fob.
setup according to #54711 guide, except hood pin is not used.
Flashed to 79.49 & 1.24 ran the decrypter, then set the standard settings in both tabs. 83.2 C1 & D5 enabled
When I press the lock 3x times the horn beeps, the parking lights flash 3 times the radio & Dash lights flash. but it does not start. In reading the help guide, it says the EVO-One red light should turn on, it does not.
Any help would be much appreciated. 

asked Oct 22, 2018 in Subaru by Mark Serfass (130 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
I looked at guide number 57411 and it doesn't say 3x lock or oem remote monitoring is supported.
answered Oct 22, 2018 by Mike M (9,800 points)
Thank you, Mike, for responding. I purchased  an RF642W and installed it. The RF642W works but the car does not start.

If I hold in the clutch pedal in it does start with the EVO-ONE.

I called tech support to get the RF642W working he walked me through putting the car in ready mode. The tech on the phone told me to move my clutch wire with the DIODE to the green A4 wire on the EVO-ONE. It was connected to the A5 white wire going to the relay.

I did this and it still does not start without pressing the clutch pedal in.

I reversed the DIODE thinking maybe it was in wrong. It still does not start. I have not reversed it again.

I’m open to any ideas.

Do I have to enable the A4 port for it to send the signal?