Questions & Answers

2017 Ram Step 7

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2017 Ram 5.7 Hemi Tip Start.

EVO-ALL Service # 001A06818300, with RF 642 2 way remote

Have Ignition wire connected, tested with a meter from connector to connector 1 ohm connection, same for the can hi and low.

Start the programming ok, hold down plug in until solid yellow, release button plug in all other connections. Press button 4 times after done flashing wait until dash lights are off and 10 to 20  seconds after flashing,insert key tip but it has never left solid yellow. Not sure what to  do from here.
asked Oct 23, 2018 in Ram by Keith McLean (240 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Your setting on the evo are all messed up. Try turning off the setting not listed in the install guide.
answered Oct 23, 2018 by Mike M (9,800 points)
0 votes
Alright, i went to the basic settings, programmed the fortin with my oem keys. Everything went well. Then turned of the RF remote option and programmed the rf remotes and everything worked.

However the pink wire that went to the white/brown for the park lights kept only my park lights on when i was driving and i had to pull the wire back off to get my low beams to come on. I did put the 1k resistor in this pinkwire.

One other question what is the lt blue  lt blue/black pair used for. I have them wired up but not sure what they are for or if they are needed.


Thanks Keith
answered Oct 26, 2018 by Keith McLean (240 points)
You have the worng wire for parking lights, it should be brown/white if using an Evo-ALL, I believe you are following the wrong guide, a guide for the Evo-One which does use the pink for parking lights.

Light Blue and Light Blue/Black are used by the module for immobilizer and starting functions, just leave them connected as the guide states.

Thank you,