Questions & Answers

2014 Toyota Sienna (G key) keyless entry clicks but door lock don't lock/unlock

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I have Evo One w/ Compustar Rf remote kit (Rf-2WG9-SP), when I press the lock or unlock on the remotes the Evo-One clicks and lights blinks but the door doesn't lock/unlock. But if I remote start the vehicle while engine running I press unlock the power lock works, but if I turn off the vehicle and press lock it will not lock the doors (Evo-One clicks & lights blinks). Sometime when I'm driving the power door locks will lock/unlock by it's self, thought that was kinda weird. Lmk whats your thoughts, Thanks. -Al
asked Nov 7, 2018 in Toyota by Allahan Soung (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Your doorlock data wire is not connected properly, verify this connection.
answered Nov 7, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
The light blue wire from Evo-One  is tap onto the pink rose wire to the ecu, keyless work fine when installed. It's weird how it keyless stop working unless I remote start the Van then it will unlock. Thanks
Make sure you are looking at the plug orientation the correct way there may be a pink wire in the same spot either way you flip it. I had the same issue in a 2014 Camry and it only worked when the ignition was on and then I realized I looked and the plug wrong and connected to the wrong wire.