Questions & Answers

Alarm starts after remote-starting the car

0 votes

On My Honda Civic 2012, I have a remote starter. It was working like charme for a while, I dont know what model is, FSA-206/208 or 209 ?

Last week, while remote-strating the car: The car did start but 2 seconds after the alarm starts. And the only way to stop it (the alarm) is to unlock the driver door with the key.

I tried again few days after, same issue.

I replaced the batteries of the remote and tried again.... same issue.

I dont understand why & how the alarm goes on.


asked Nov 27, 2018 in Honda by Amine BG (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Turn on option D2
answered Nov 27, 2018 by Mike M (9,800 points)