Questions & Answers

Do I need to change the data-link setting on the EVO-ALL?

0 votes
I am flashing my EVO-ALL right now, and there is an option for data-link Fortin, ADS, and D2D. Do I need to switch any of these settings to on, or will it work? I am using a Crimestopper Starter with the Fortin protocol and would like to use data to cut down on wiring.
asked Mar 10, 2019 in Nissan by Cam Cross (1,070 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
If using crime stopper in fortin, leave the evo-all alone. it is default to fortin even when nothing is selected.
answered Mar 11, 2019 by derek g (346,560 points)
selected Mar 13, 2019 by Robert T
Thank you!