Questions & Answers

Horn alarm not workin, light problem

+1 vote
When opening doors without remote only DRL is flashing but no horn sound , even shrips activated on setting with opening and closure of the car but not working also, another problem front head light is opearting and shutting off and keep doing this untill i turn button to manual light , another problem also center lock open all doors after car has been switched off from remote, buick regal 2016 not equibed with alarm
asked Aug 26, 2019 in Buick by Mohamed Ali (460 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If this regal is stand key model, and if you are using the OEM remote only to control the system and you enable the EVO-ALARM, you will not be able to properly disarm the alarm. Turn OFF option G if it's on.
answered Aug 26, 2019 by Robert T (304,010 points)
i want the car alarm, how to operate it ??
you will not be able to operate it from the OEM remote since we cannot detect the OEM remote when the car is running. RF-KIT required.
any rf kit can be used?
as long as it can be used with the evo, yes

dont forget to connect the horn also.

RM411 + siren is ok ? car horn itself will not work

Definitly a nice addition
1- with this RM411 alarm will work ?

2- can i use car horn instead of siren ?

You will be able to arm and disarm without issue with any compatible aftermarket rf-kit


You can use either horn or siren. This is controlled by option G1.1. The output for horn or siren is the GREEN wire and it is a negative output.


and now when i shut off the car from remote all doors open what is this problem ?
on this diagram if i'm going to wire on horm does it need cutout? or only cutout is for siren
not sure what you mean by cutout. The realy is only needed for the siren.

Horn if connect the negative trigger at the switch you will not need a relay.


what's the modules service number?
perfect, what about the problem of opening doors when car is shut off from remote ? and it doesn't close after??

what's the modules service number?

OK, the car is a push button and not a key start like i first asked.


1. you will not need an RF-KIT since we should be able to monitor the factory remotes on the north american push start model. The blue led should be flashing once when locking and twice when unlocking.


2. If the doors unlock when ignition turns off,  check your vehicle settings in the radio for the keyless. You can also turn on option D5


3. most push to start vehicles HAVE a factory alarm
this is opel insignia 2016 europe edition which is equivelant to BUICK REGAL (US Edition) with no alarm

but when trying setting with opel insignia it doesnot work at all

that's why i setted for Buick Regal

Now i can now connect A4 Green wire directly to horn ?
A4 to horn negative trigger once you enable the alarm option (its off right now).


Being an Opel, i have no idea if the oem remotes will be detected once the car is running.
is there anyway to make horn chrips when car is started by remote?
dual stage sensor can be any aftermarket sensor or you have special one for evo-all
any sensor will do.  Just tie both triggers of the sensor to the purple/white on the evo. You get both the warn away and full trigger.

is there any way for horn to chrip with remote start ?

and if i bought RM411 Remote .. it will be installed by standalnoe wiring or will need standarad wiring , my car is  automatic push to start?

There is no option for a horn chirp when remote starrting. 


The install with an RF-KIT is a stand alone installation .

If you have the THAR-GM6 harness, the antenna while plug into the blue connector. Then you just have to enable option H & H2.


RM912 remote will be the same installation as RM411 remote ?

Does anyone of them requires RF2A2 cable knowing that i'm already having THAR-GM6 harness


finally which one do u recommend RM411 OR RM912 ?
Those are 2 very different remotes but the installation is the same. RFA2A is not needed with the GM6 harness because the antenna plugs into the blue connector.


912 is a 2way remote running on LoRa and has a range of over 3000ft

411 is a 1 way remote, 900mHz with a range of 2000ft
​if i want to put security flashig led, how to wire it to the system ?
You can use the starter kill output
which color wire and which no, A5 isn't it ?
white, A5 , correct

i bought RFK-411 and i made settings for it but i have 4 issues


1- with G option off, i can only lock and remote start the car, but i cannot unlock, when i press RF Remote 2 times to unlock it only give DRL light without openinig the car


2- With G option ON, Car can only be remote started but neither lock or unlock can be done from RF Remote

3- With G Option on when car is remotely started then remotely stopped the car opens the door and remain open and doesn't close , when G option of OFF car open once stopped then after 10 seconds it closes doors

4- RF KIT Reciever should be sticked to front windsheild ?

please answer each question separetly not to miss any point



This all comes down to working on a vehicle that we do not list the THAR-GM6 an the EVO-ALL is not listed as being compatible as a stand alone starter or alarm. There isn't even a guide available. The unit may program but odd things may not work. 


1. lock-unlock is controlled by analog connecitons. WHITE A5 is the LOCK output. PINK/BLACK is the UNLOCK output.  If there is no output on PINK/BLACK, the unit is not learning in the proper mode. You will need to test the PINK/BLACK wire. The GREEN can also be used as an UNLOCK output with option G OFF.


2- Turning ON G reconfigures the 20pin connector. The WHITE wire will most likely become a Starter Kill output per a previous comment with option G enabled.  Unlock is not working because it wasnt working in point 1.


3- Same as #2. Lock is not working with option G on. 


4- Center of windshield 3 inches from the mirror.

