Questions & Answers

'13 Cruze, key-to-start, Evo Rs gmt1 installed, used dcryptor, and i went by all the steps, so why doesnt it still work?

0 votes
Only blue light flash once each time lock button is pressed
asked Jan 2, 2020 in Chevrolet by Damion Wint (130 points)

1 Answer

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Cruze 2013 is not 3x lock compatible.
answered Jan 3, 2020 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
According to guide #63371, 3x lock works on Chevy Cruze up to 2018.  I have installed the same kit on the Cruze, and it indeed does work.  Only drawback is factory remotes stop working once car is remote started.

If programming and decrypting worked fine, try timing the 3x lock with a slight pause between button pushes, not too fast.  Otherwise reset and retry programming.

Provide any other information about your install/problem and provide service number so programming can be checked.
I have repeatedly tried reinstalling the module, repeatedly decrypted it, and even used a variety of timing pressing the lock button 3x. Still no new results. I think I'm just going to return it. SN - 001A07 101209

Your evo is not even setup as a stand alone remote starter. You need to enable option D1 - Standalone Remote Starter.



Select Standalone Remote Starter in the flash link under system setup


I tried it multiple times. I did every Step according to the instructions and even varied the timing of the 3x lock presses. It just did not work.

Damion, your unit is

1 - not programmed to the car correctly

2 - unit options are not setup correctly


My suggestion... In the exact order

  1. Reset the EVO:
  2. Click on the Gear icon on the top right corner in the flash link manager and select Go To Pro Mode.
  3. Turn ON option C1, D1 and D2 then click save options
  4. Reprogram the unit to the car along with redoing the dcryptor process