Questions & Answers

How do I tell what kind of system I have?

0 votes
I have purchased a 2010 Toyota Camry and it has a Fortin system installed. I don't know what model system I have.

I do have a picture of the remote:

I also need to buy replacement remotes, however, I figure I need to know what type of system I have first.
asked Feb 29, 2020 in FAQ by Francisco Barcenas (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

That is a FTX25-BV. 

If you are able to find replacements, the picture below would be how you pair them to the module. You would need to gain access to the module and valet switch under the dash of the car somewhere.

answered Mar 2, 2020 by derek g (357,980 points)
If I would like to replace this unit with a newer Fortin unit what do I have to choose from?

replacing the system entirely requires an unintsall of the current remote starter and immobilizer bypass module, then a reinstall and reprogramming of the new remote start module. 


I would suggest visiting a local shop. 

this would be an EVO-ONE and your choice of RF remotes:
