Questions & Answers

Device Flash Limit reached - help locked sn 002b04 243150

0 votes

I had a new EVO One lock up red.  I got it going and it was working agian for my 2016 4runner g key.

I had to unplug it to reassble the dash and it did not like that went it went red agian.


I went to reflash it with .99 and then reload the 4runner infomation and it said firmware limit reached.

can someone please help.  next time Ill just leave it hang from under the dash vs ever unplugging it.

sn   002B04 243150

evo one

can someone please help. this should be a one time thing.
asked May 11, 2022 in Toyota by Gregory Sills (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
I have reset the flash limit for you.


Best Regards.
answered May 11, 2022 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected May 11, 2022 by J M