Questions & Answers

Question about remote start mod on 2008 Dodge Durango

–1 vote
I have had the remote start mod installed for a little over a week and it has worked flawlessly.

But today I set out on a road trip and all of the sudden all my dash warning lights came on and the speedometer

and tach dropped to 0. It would go out and come back on constantly. I removed the mod. and all the lights are still

on. Any chance the modual could have fried something in my computer?  I have the EVO-CHRT5 on my 2008

Dodge Durango.
asked Jan 26, 2014 in Dodge by Paul Boren (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Bring your vehicle to whomever installed it for verification of the installation. The EVO cannot damage anything through Can-Bus.
answered Jan 27, 2014 by Robert T (299,950 points)
I installed it myself and followed every instruction to the tee. As soon as I removed the EVO, I took my truck up to Auto Zone to have them read the codes for me....they said there where no codes to read, but there where some trouble issues that where present at some point. He was able to reset the computer to clear the check engine light, and I have not had any problems since. the only common denominator in the whole issue was it did not work with the EVO, I removed it and the problems went away. So yes, the can bus can effect your computer in reading the vehicle settings correctly.