Questions & Answers

Re-wrapped extra fob, now neither works

0 votes
Original VW starter installed by an installer into a Tiguan after I purchased it. Someone borrowed the car, forgot to take my fob, and decided to pull out the hidden fob from under the dash. The wire coil and black tape are gone; only two bare leads coming out from under the dash remain.

I took the battery-less fob he pulled out and wrapped it 12 times with 24 gauge insulated wire, then crimped the two ends of that wire to the leads sticking out from under the dash. It does not do anything. I tried wrapping different numbers of turns up to 16, same.

Worse, my main fob stopped working. It does not do anything. Tried replacing battery, same. Tried reset procedure (using physical key, unlock/lock), same.

Anybody know what might be going on?
asked Jan 2, 2023 in Volkswagen by Joe Mirabile (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please call support. Not sure what is going on here.
answered Jan 4, 2023 by Robert T (299,950 points)
My starter has nothing to do with Fortin products or services, so I will not call support.  I thought this was a public remote starter forum. In the meantime, I got it working.