Questions & Answers

2009 F150 vehicle shuts off when you open the door.

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I have  a 2009 Ford F150, I have installed the evo all remote start and it works perfectly.  The truck shuts off when ever i open the door.  I even bought the flash link to fix the settings, I havent found the correct settings.  Now on the instructions I did recieve from the intial install on the 24pin there are two wires that you are supposed to use to bypass the door opening.  But I do not have those wires on my 24 pin.  And it was never covered on the two videos I watched for there installs(same year make and model)
asked Apr 23, 2023 in Ford by KACY FISCHER (130 points)

1 Answer

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Please make the following changes to the options of your evo-all.

- Turn off settings protection

- Turn on A1 through A10

- Leave all other options as they are currently.

- Click save options

- Re test.


Best regards.
answered Apr 24, 2023 by derek g (336,040 points)