Questions & Answers

2007 City Golf evo one 411 install

0 votes
I am going to be installing an evo one 441 into a 2007 City Golf manual, for the handbrake reading another question I am on my own for the clutch bypass which is easy enough, however the guide says that lock/unlock/arm/disarm/foot brake are not supported, I was under the impression this car is electrically identical to a 2002-04 mk4 Golf which has those features supported. I don't mind making the extra connections if need be however obviously rather have it all done via CAN

So does the City Golf support lock/unlock/arm/disarm via CAN like the earlier 02-04 Golf or no?

asked Nov 18, 2023 in Volkswagen by Sean (750 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
On the City Golf, lock/unlock/arm/disarm is not something that was covered through CAN-BUS when the solution came out in that era. Foot brake, ebrake, door status and tach are supported via CAN.
answered Nov 18, 2023 by Robert T (299,650 points)