Questions & Answers


0 votes
Bought from a ebay seller selling your stuff. I contacted them an they said plug and play so i bought. Well i got it hooked it up tried to program and i get yellow light on and turn key and the red light dont come on to program. I did hook it up to my computer with the flah device and programmed it and flashed it. Still nothing. Ebay seller has been giving me a run around saying its your problem not theres. I just need some troublshooring help toi get it to work. The ebay seller then told me i needed a rf so i got one of them from them and re flashed the device for it installed it back in and still does nothing. Whats best way to get help troublshooting
asked Mar 20 in Nissan by Jpbforex (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

What is the S/N to the unit? (located on the back).

What is the year, make and model of the vehicle?

Best regards.
answered Mar 21 by derek g (347,180 points)