Questions & Answers

Checking for the latest Bypass Firmware version ?

0 votes
Thar-One-Hon8  manual (Guide #99801 rev:20201228) shows Bypass Firmware Version 73.[38]

does it have  newer version?

anywhere I check if a newer version available?

is it recommended to update to newer version if older version works?

Thank You !
asked Nov 14 in Honda by jenom (340 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

"is it recommended to update to newer version if older version works?"


- No. Once it is installed and working you do not need to touch or update the module, unlike a phone the unit does not require constant updating.

Best regards.
answered Nov 14 by derek g (347,180 points)
I already have a the latest available firmware 73.39 , dated 2021-9-22 installed.

I guess, this would be the "final" version.

Thank You!