Questions & Answers

2017 Ram 1500 Start briefly then shut off

0 votes
Installed the fortin evo all with THAR-CHR7 and a 5706v w2w. Programmed according to instructions. Everything is working properly except I can't get the vehicle to remote start every single time. It starts and shuts off right after starting. Sometimes the truck will remote start and stay running like it should but not everytime. What could be wrong? Is it the firmware version?
asked 2 weeks ago in Ram by Dinh Doan (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Sounds like your starter might not be managing tach properly. Could try programming tach between the 2 units.

You could also place the evo in stand alone (options c1 and d1) to isolate where the issue maybe coming from.

Best regards.
answered 2 weeks ago by derek g (347,180 points)