Questions & Answers

Evo all/gmt4 module not connected/detected in flash manager

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Evo all/gmt4 module not connected/detected in flash manager 4. It will recognize the flashlink2, i can upgrade the firmware, but the evoall/gmt4 unit is never recognized. I have a solid red light on the flash updater and a solid red light on the evo all in bypass mode, switch to remote start and the evo all has all the leds blinking a few times and it doesnt connect. when I shut down the program and restart it, the program recogognizes the updater plugged in but there is no firmware selected.

Update the firmware again and it accepts, and then every thing is the same as above. it seems like everything is communicating with the evoall flashing, but can never get unit connected throught the software. Is the module bad, servers down, bad flash tool? I tried a reset on the module again but same as above.

asked 3 weeks ago in Chevrolet by Dpxmed (210 points)
closed 3 weeks ago by derek g