Questions & Answers

2013 Toyota Camry Starter # 2

+1 vote
2013 Camry SE "G" key.  To trigger the 2nd starter wire (My RS / Alarm does not have a 2nd starter wire), is it better to use the Starter # 1 (+) wire and the 2nd starter pulse (-) wire to trigger a relay to start 2nd starter wire or is it better to use 12+ and the 2nd starter pulse (-) wire to trigger the relay to be used to activate starter # 2?  Does it really matter?  the 2nd starter wire (-) needs to be converted to +.  Therefore, either 12+ or the starter # 1 wire are both + and I would think can be used to trigger and supply starter # 2 with 12+. Is there another way to do this?
asked Feb 23, 2014 in Toyota by Taamer Refaat (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can use either way you have mentionned.

(-)Start and to trigger a relay and using the (+)Start as a source,


(-)Start and to trigger a relay and using a 12V as a source
answered Feb 24, 2014 by Robert T (299,650 points)