Questions & Answers

2013 Camry SE "G" Key

+1 vote
I am trying to get the wiring diagram / colors / locations for installing the power window module.  I thought this website would provide them.  Can somebody please supply them to me?  I know they are probably all in the driver door main switch, if not, then at each door, but I thought I read somewhere before that you could access them under the steering column or in the drivers kick panel.  You have to cut the roll up wire and feed each end into the window module.  I don't want to experiment if I find them under the dash because I don't know if they are before or after the up / down switches and may screw-up the switches.  Please help!
asked Feb 23, 2014 in Toyota by Taamer Refaat (220 points)

1 Answer

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This Question and Answer is for Fortin electronic related products.
answered Feb 24, 2014 by Robert T (299,650 points)