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2016 auto Mazda Cx5 with EVO-ALL and THAR-Maz1 no start

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Car: Mazda CX-5 2016 auto w/ push to start

Parts Used: Evo-ALL with THAR-Maz1 hardness

Guide Used: 62951

Wires hooked up:

Parking Lights- Yellow/Red, Yellow/Blue, Yellow/Green

Connector A into Connector C, and Connector B plugged into Plug 1.

Data Door Lock- Lt. Blue to Green/Orange

Data Key- Lt Blue/Black to Black/White

Yellow- Nothing NO RF KIT USED

White and Black plugs on end of 4-wire Data plug- nothing (NO RF KIT USED)

(-) Lock, (-)Unlock, Start/Stop External- None hooked up, USING OEM KEYS TO START.

No Hood Pin installed, Hood Pin Wire connected to Black Wire (Pin 7) in Fuse box 12 Pin Connector ONLY.

I went through all the programming exactly as stated in the Guide, every light that was supposed to come on or turn off did exactly as told. De-Cryptor worked and was verifeid by a Tech Support to have worked. CAN Programming also went exactly as it should all the way until it flashed blue rapidly, and I turned off the ignition and the light turned off.

When I press any button on the remotes the EVO-ALL flashed the blue light. When I do the sequence (Lock, Unlock, Lock) The Red Light will turn on, then the yellow light will also turn on. Both are on steady and you can hear the EVO make a noise about 6-7 times. Then all the lights turn off, and about 4 seconds later it repeats the same pattern.

Please help me to figure out what is not going to plan. Suggestions I have are:

Should the Hood Pin wire be grounded to both the black wire (pin 7 on 12 Pin connector) and also in the Pin 11 slot, in the 18 pin connector? Or is just the black wire good?

Also, I am not sure what the 10 amp fuse that is listed as a required part is for. Did I miss some step where I should be installing that 10 amp fuse somewhere?


Thanks for your help.
asked Dec 8, 2017 in Mazda by David Fales (200 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

When I press any button on the remotes the EVO-ALL flashed the blue light. When I do the sequence (Lock, Unlock, Lock) The Red Light will turn on, then the yellow light will also turn on. Both are on steady and you can hear the EVO make a noise about 6-7 times. Then all the lights turn off, and about 4 seconds later it repeats the same pattern.


That noise is the parking light relay. Look at how many times the parking light flashes.


-- 5 parking light flashes = the hood pin (empty pin) that needs to be grounded is not making proper contact.  The empty pin 11 in the 18-pin connector needs to be grounded. You need to add a wire. There's an easy ground to get in the 12-pin connector right beside it. 99% of the time, this is 100% the reason why remote starting does not work. 


-- 4 light flashes flashes = keys too close to the car.


This is an oem start install. 

-- all doors must be closed

-- no keys in or in proximity of the vehicle

answered Dec 8, 2017 by Robert T (299,650 points)
selected Dec 8, 2017 by David Fales
Thank you so much for your help! Just had to connect Pin 11 and Pin 7 together in the fuse box and she's purring like a kitten now! Thanks for all of your help to You, Derek, and the whole team!
I am considering installing remote in my 2016.5 CX-5 and want to know if it is hard to install. How long did it take you to install?
@ David Fales.

What model of CX 5 that you have?

I am installing this myself and, unfortumaterly, it doesnot remote start yet. Did you connect your hood pin wire into the connector in fuse box under the hood or somewhere else? how did you connect wire into empty pin? do we need to buy terminal for it?

You can also connect to the wire on the opposite side of the empty pin connector, see attached image. Thank you,

Hi Rico,

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I cannot see the image. Right now I am connect hood pin wire (dark blue) with pin 13 in 24 pin connector (Guide 63601 shown this is ground). After blue LED turn on corresponding to 3 times I lock the car, nothingelse is happening. Btw, I am having 2016 Mazda Cx5 GT model.

Any help would be appreciated.