Questions & Answers

No Remote

0 votes

I do not have a Remote for my vehicule,  how does one get into function programming withour one.  Must I purchase a RF kit.  The module seems to currently be installed properly.  However I cannot Lock or Unlock with the EVO Start abd I cannot program the functions 2 mode 4 nor 20 mode 2 as I do not have a remote as per instructions.
asked Apr 8, 2018 in Toyota by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
function programming, and module updates can all be done from the Flash-Link Updater
answered Apr 9, 2018 by Robert T (299,650 points)

I have the manual, unfortunatly it does not state clearly how to achieve setting the module for the following settings:

function 2 mode 4

function 20 mode 2 

could you please give me a specific answer on how to do the above I have been in optionsnot sure which option I should check, I do not want to choose the improper settings.


As well do I need to wire the Arm/Disarm wires on the 20 Pin, the documentation is clear on what wire is the Disarm but not on the Arm.  If I do need to connect these wires could you please specify what wire,on the 20 pin is the Arm wire.


Thank you in advance


