Questions & Answers

evo ride wiring says to yellow goes to ignition to car

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09 ford e350 van trying to install compustar cs700 with evo ride module

with 3 or higher hardware,preloaded all in one firmware no key required.Using connection 2 It says connect

yellow wire to ignition which one ignition 1, pats ignition, purple/white wire goes to pats rx data at transponder pin3

connector and yellow/black wire goes to pats tx data at transponder pin 4 any help would be appreciated thanks.
asked Apr 8, 2019 in Ford by JOHN CARLSON (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
whats the issue?
answered Apr 8, 2019 by derek g (358,030 points)
So where does the yellow wire from the evo ride connect to, ignition 1 or pats ignition or somewhere else.
igntion or pats ignition, either should work.
I tryed both nothing.Does the key sense wire need to be connected?
try flipping the rx and tx and then re attempt programming.
I tried flipping and regramming not working,when i press the remote start button i get three chips and three clicks from evo box.
What type of starter are you using? In data or wire-to-wire?

Does the vehicle remote start with the key in the barrel?

What is the first light to turn on, on the evo-ride when you remote start the vehicle.
compustar cs700 in data  with the key in the barrel nothing,other than the red light on the bottom stays on.The three wire harness is not hooked up does not say it required.
You need to be able to remote start the vehicle with the key in the barrell. Once you are at this point. Then try programming you evo ride.
Hows that accomplished?with the key in the barrell makes no difference just three clicks coming from the evo box,shouldn't the yellow light come on with the key on or attempting to remote start the vehicle.Only the red light that says on.

"Hows that accomplished"


- The only thing the evo ride does is replicate the key code.... So putting the key in the barrell will negate needing the evo ride for the purpose of this test.


- Again, You must be able to remote start the vehicle with the key in the barrell before trying to program the evo ride. 

So if it does not remote start the key in the barrell,i assume the unit is faulty.Vehicle starts fine on its own.
No, this would mean that you have an issue with your cs700 either in the configuration/setp up or the wiring of the cs700 module to the vehicle.
Definitely not in the hook up followed to the tee,doubled checked and triple checked according to the wiring diagrams from this web site wire color.Could be with the cm600 module, I will test that on a vehicle where a bypass is not needed.
With evoride module UNPLUGGED from the vehicle, this vehicle HAS to remote start with an OEM key inserted in the ignition barrel,

if it does not, you WILL need to check your connections on your compustar module  to the vehicle.
Without the bypass module even connected. Your remote starter should be able to remote start the vehicle when the key is in the barrel. If it does not, the last step of programming the evo-ride will not work.


2 master keys are required to program the module. A cloned key will not work. All aftermarket bypass units utilise the OEM procedure to program. On these vehicles, the BCM absolutely needs to see 2 master keys. (see vehicles owners manual key programming)


specific to the EVO-RIDE programming, Step 2, need press 2 times on the programming for 40 bit keys.