Questions & Answers

Ford Focus + Evo-One clicking when driving

0 votes

I completed the install of the evo one in my 2012 ford focus manual. Everything works in terms of remote starting, but when I’m driving ever time I hit the brake pedal the evo one click 3 times. This can become quite the annoyance in traffic.

Is this due to programming, my manual ready mode is set to activate with foot brake and parking brake as I did not purchase the RF kit.

If I purchase the RF kit would this stop the Fortin from clicking while driving as it would only start the ready mode sequence after I hit the remote starting button?

posté depuis 3 semaines dans la catégorie Ford par Mathew Bond (180 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

Connect the large pink wire from the main 6 pin connector of the evo-one to the loose yellow wire labelled ignition on the fort-4 t -harness. This will solve your clicking issue.

Best regards.
répondu depuis 3 semaines par derek g (346,560 points)