Questions & Answers

2022 Elantra N Manual. When in ready mode, press ignition once, then brake and car will lock after closing door.

0 votes
Accidentally locked self out of car once. What setting is causing this? Go to neutral, and pull ebrake. Press ingition once, then brake, car turns off. When the door is opened and then closed it locks even if key is inside.
posté depuis 1 semaine dans la catégorie Hyundai par Gabriel Mak (130 points)

1 Réponse

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If im not mistaken it re locks by default and this is not a changeable setting, however you can make it shut down on a lock command, perhaps that would be better suited to you. It is option 33.3

Best regards.
répondu depuis 1 semaine par derek g (346,560 points)