Questions & Answers

2013 GMC Sierra - EVO-ALL w/TB box - programming?

0 votes
TBGM2 - programming this lil box would not work for me, due to time constraints I had to revert back to non TBGM2 install, but my question is, any tips on TBGM2 programming? Because I thought it did program, and then it failed later on.
posté Nov 2, 2013 dans la catégorie GMC par Derek Winiarki (260 points)

2 Réponses

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I have had the same issue, what has worked for me is to install the ring around the key and connect the TB-GM2 to the EVO-ALL and transponder ring, turn one key on without starting, turn the key off and remove it, start the vehicle by remote start.
répondu Dec 6, 2013 par Greg Simpson (530 points)
élue Dec 9, 2013 par Robert T
0 votes
The only thing that can prevent it from programming was if it previously already been programmed.


Another something to look at, the module may have programmed but maybe it was the transponder loop that causing difficultities.
répondu Nov 4, 2013 par Robert T (304,010 points)